I am now a small business owner

Hey friends and fictional folk! Small update on how things are going for you all to see before everyone else. The paperwork has been processed and I now officially own my own publishing company: L. B. Reel Productions LLC. With this, I can now self publish my books and keep the full and complete publishing […]

The Mythic Naga #30

Here it is friends and fictional folk! The final chapter of the first volume/book of The Mythic Naga. Hope you enjoy! XxXxX Thomas rushed into his room as quietly as he could. He tossed his phone onto his bed and draped his jacket over the chair at his desk, which he sat down in. Booting … Continue reading The Mythic Naga #30

The Mythic Naga #29

Here’s part two of the three chapter marathon! This is my personal favorite chapter so let’s keep it going friends and fictional folk! XxXxX Daniel dove behind an ambulance as the van he had been using as cover was picked up by one of Kraken’s tentacles and tossed aside. He had stopped thinking of Patrick … Continue reading The Mythic Naga #29

The Mythic Naga #28

Alight friends and fictional folk! Let’s get ready for the three chapter marathon! Here’s part one. Enjoy! XxXxX Natalie’s mind was slow to wake up and her muscles slower. Her memories of the fight with Ahuizotl were fragmented and hazy, like peering through a stained-glass window. She had a vague sense of being angry, scared, … Continue reading The Mythic Naga #28

The Mythic Naga #27

Hey friends and fictional folk! We’re getting close to the end! Bit of a slower chapter this time, but if you thought that stuff hit the fan before you ain’t seen nothing yet. Hope you enjoy the build up! XxXxX Daniel gently lay Natalie onto her bed in the lair. Or at least he tried … Continue reading The Mythic Naga #27

The Mythic Naga #26

Hello friends and fictional folk! I am super excited to hear what everyone thinks of this chapter! It’s a little experimental, but that’s why its exciting. Anyway, let me know what you think in the comments below and, in the meantime, I hope you enjoy! XxXxX Chase! Chase!! Chase!!! Kill!!! She is predator. I am … Continue reading The Mythic Naga #26
